Andrew Mansolo
Event Wins: 0    
Round Wins: 7

Member since: 4.06.2024
Last race: 6.22.2024

2024 Top 5
Highest Rd
Rigoberto Sanchez W1 L2 Max Rd: 5
Teresa Harkness W1 L0 Max Rd: 1
Negro Sanchez W1 L0 Max Rd: 1
Corey Sorrels W0 L1 Max Rd: 2
Ron Malibu W1 L0 Max Rd: 1

All Opponents
Corey Sorrels W0 L1 Max Rd: 2
Jason Schwertner W1 L0 Max Rd: 4
Lulu Luillo W1 L0 Max Rd: 3
Monte Castro W0 L1 Max Rd: 2
Negro Sanchez W1 L0 Max Rd: 1
Rigoberto Sanchez W1 L2 Max Rd: 5
Ron Malibu W1 L0 Max Rd: 1
Teresa Harkness W1 L0 Max Rd: 1
Van Padilla W1 L0 Max Rd: 1

Cash Days
2.7 Index
Entry 1
R1LtWin over Ron Malibu
R2RtLoss to Monte Castro

Entry 2
R1LtWin over Van Padilla
R2RtWin over Rigoberto Sanchez
R3RtWin over Lulu Luillo
R4RtWin over Jason Schwertner
R5LtLoss to Rigoberto Sanchez

2nd Annual Cinco De Mayo Shootout
2.7 Index
Entry 1
R1RtWin over Teresa Harkness
R2LtLoss to Corey Sorrels

Entry 2
R1RtWin over Negro Sanchez
R2RtLoss to Rigoberto Sanchez

Events: 2
Event Wins:
Rounds: 11
Round Wins: 7
Round Losses: 4